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This article reflects on the origins of political language, particularly the words radical, leftist, socialist, and communist. The author explores the Latin roots of these words and questions their current meanings. The article suggests that these groups should be called 'angels' and 'angels from the realm of glory' if they are communists.

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In this rant, the author expresses their contempt for the world and humanity's decision to give up on the liberation struggle and instead search for more chains. They also express their thoughts on COVID and the measures taken to combat it. The author concludes by stating their desire to construct their own world and their preference for the atheist's paradise over heaven.

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The author reflects on the social inequality and colonialism in Canada, highlighting how the rich exploit the poor and marginalized groups for their own benefit. They suggest erecting a monument in Russia for Canadian Indians killed by colonial bureaucrats with smallpox-laced blankets as a just cause. The author concludes that our wealth depends on someone else's misery and that we have done things we can be ashamed of.

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The author listened to Biden's farewell address to Afghanistan and found his tone to be condescending and judgmental. Biden left the impression that the return of the Taliban happened because pro-American Afghans were cowardly and lazy. The author argues that the speed of the Taliban's takeover speaks for itself and that we should not judge the situation. The author also notes that many people come to the West for money and do not necessarily share our values. It remains to be seen what will happen now that the Taliban is back in power.

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This article discusses how Cuba has done a good job in surviving with dignity despite the negative comments from the USA. It also highlights the embarrassing fact that Cuba has a longer life expectancy than the USA, which reflects on human rights priorities. The article also touches on the USA's capability to destroy the planet and the need to protect itself from good people. The author hopes for a happy ending to this problem.

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0 33

The majority of Quebecois consider themselves to not be racists and believe that Law 21 is not discriminatory against religious minorities. However, justice is not defined by a count of hands. The author sarcastically suggests that if Jesus were judged in Quebec, he would have been found guilty of blasphemy by a solid show of hands. The author also criticizes Quebec's approach to passing laws based on the wilful desires of the Quebecois masses, rather than objective reality.

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The article discusses the recent outrage in Canada over the Indian residential school system and the lack of accountability among Canadians. The author argues that the problem is not just with the Christian institutions that ran the schools, but with the Canadian society that allowed it to happen. The article also draws comparisons to the post-WWII German society and their reckoning with the Holocaust. The author suggests that Canadians need to take responsibility for their role in the residential school system and not just offer empty apologies.

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The author expresses their opposition to the idea of COVID passports, likening it to a 'dictatorship of the middle class'. They express frustration with being pushed around by faceless people who want everyone to be like them and believe that the time is coming when people will be told when to go based on middle class rules and norms. The author ends with a defiant 'Up yours!' before being bound by 'petty sacrosanct little chains'.

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The article discusses the idea of using nuclear bombs in a high population density area, such as Bangladesh, to calculate the net worth of humanity. The author argues that this approach would be more acceptable than using the same measurement in a place like New York City. The article also emphasizes the importance of considering human rights concerns and avoiding negative fallout from such an action.

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